Useful tools to help improve hand hygiene and surface cleaning
The pandemic was a global crisis, and healthcare facilities should have different types of hand hygiene and priority when it comes to the supply of hand sanitizers. But, as long as you have access to water and soap, handwashing is the preferred option for you to keep yourself healthy and your hands clean.
Handwashing vs hand sanitizer
Different types of hand hygiene methods can be used to maintain high hand hygiene standards in the workplace. In general, both regular handwashing and the use of hand sanitizer are effective in maintaining good hand hygiene and preventing the spread of illnesses.
However, washing your hands regularly with soap and water remains one of the simplest and most effective defenses against illnesses, including coronavirus. The combination of soap and friction makes it easier to detach germs and dirt from your skin and rinse them away. This effectively helps reduce all forms of infectious pathogens and remove dangerous chemicals such as pesticides from your hands. Did you know that you can remove 99,9% with a complete handwash with Tork soap, water followed by drying with Tork paper towels?*
Hand sanitizers work well as an alternative to handwashing if you can’t wash your hands at the moment or if you don’t have access to clean water. It’s important to remember though that not all hand sanitizers are made the same. There are many different kinds of hand sanitizers available such as gels, foams, alcohol-based, all-natural, perfumed ones and more. So, it’s vital that you look at the active ingredient and its concentration – hand sanitizers that contain at least 60% alcohol is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).